Here are answers to some of our most frequent questions. If your question is not answered here please contact us for more information, we’re always happy to help.
Our Farm
We have a herd of Jersey and JerseyX cows and a herd of mainly Saanen goats. (Plus Ralph the maremma guard dog and his long suffering wife Georgie.)
Currently we are not open for farm visits – we hope to change this in the future.
No. But we use no growth hormones, pesticides or chemical sprays on the pastures nor chemical fertilizers. We use antibiotics if an animal is sick and her milk is then excluded from cheesemaking until she is cleared.
Yes. Newborns and their mothers are left in the nursery paddock for several days after birth. We keep an eye on them to ensure they are suckling well and the mother is eating and drinking after birth. We then start milking the mother to ensure she has no udder infection and we start feeding her extra to ensure she will reach optimum milk production. After the first week the mother is reintroduced to the milking herd and returns to the calf/kid overnight. During this time we start to feed the kid/calf extra milk and hay. This continues for 6-8 weeks until the calf/kid weans itself.
Male calves are grown out to about 12months of age and then sold. Male kids are given to a local business that rears them to sell as pets, weed eaters etc. We don’t sell bobby calves for slaughter.
Our Produce
Currently we are not open for sales – we hope to change this in the future.
We do all the Northern Rivers Farmers’ Markets and some Gold Coast.
Ballina | Sunday 7-11am |
Bangalow | Saturday 7 – 11am |
Budall – HOTA | Saturday 7 – midday |
Byron Bay | Thursday 7 – 11am |
Lismore | Thursday 2:30 – 6pm |
Mulllumbimby | Friday 7 – 11am |
Murwillumbah | Wednesday 7 – 11am |
Nimbin | Wednesday 3 – 6pm |
Palm Beach | Saturday 7 – midday |
Order and pay via the online shop. At checkout enter your postcode and you will be provided with delivery days and time slots available. Choose one and you are good to go! Please note because the courier is refrigerated and the cheese is packed in cardboard boxes please ensure you are available to take delivery.
Enter your postcode into our ‘postcode finder thingy’ below to find out if we deliver to you. We cannot deliver outside these postcodes.
All products that we deliver are available in the online shop. We also produce milk, kefir and yoghurt but these don’t transport well so they aren’t available online.
It is packed in a cardboard box and delivered by refrigerated courier. We don’t use polystyrene or other insulating materials to reduce waste and cost so please choose a delivery time when you will be able to take delivery. PLEASE NOTE THE COURIER WILL NOT OPEN CLOSED PROPERTY GATES – THIS IS A LEGAL RESTRICTION AND YOUR ORDER WILL BE LEFT AT THE GATE.